This Is It

The moment we’ve been waiting for. The stage of life we’ve been waiting for. It doesn’t get any better than this. It is our dreams come true.

One stage or moment of life is not better than another.

Most of us would not go back or go forward. What we have now is special and finite.

We’ll never have these moments again…

  • birth
  • endless possibilities
  • carefreeness
  • nothing to lose
  • independence fir the first time
  • falling in love for the first time
  • marriage
  • children
  • success in one’s career
  • letting go of what others thinks
  • grandchildren
  • nothing to prove to the world
  • retirement
  • letting go

Sometimes we yearn for a future where we do not have the pains of the present. In doing so, we forget the treasures we have now that we won’t in the future.

Life will never be more perfect and imperfect than it is now. In our success, the seeds of failure are planted. In our failure and pain, the seeds of new beginnings are watered.

The cycles of life are mysterious, yet something we know intimately. Everything is recycled. Cycles repeat themselves and evolve at the same time.

We are part of something amazing that is bigger than us, and we get to enjoy the ride.

- I teach people to learn HOW to learn
- Bootstrapped million dollar social enterprises
- Best-selling author
- Contributor: Time, Fortune, and Harvard Business Review
- Alum: Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year, Inc. 30 under 30, Businessweek 25 under 25
- Creator of the largest learning community in the world
- Have read thousands of books

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