Browsing articles by "Michael Simmons"

Why the Smartest People Are Constant Learners

May 3, 2016   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Warren Buffett

The Internet has been saturated by productivity porn.

We all love the idea of habits. Morning habitsafternoon habitsevening habits. We love it all. Do something over and over until it becomes so easy that you don’t even have to think about it.

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9 Creative Ways To Find Books That Will Make You A Genius

Sep 24, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   learning  //  No Comments

Time disappears. A new world reveals itself. The future will be different than the past because of the words you’ve read.

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The One Trait That Elon Musk, Ben Franklin, and Marie Curie Have In Common

Aug 6, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Credit: Steve Jurvetson/Unknown/Joseph-Siffrein Duplessis

“Jack of all trades. Master of none.”

The warning against being a generalist has persisted for hundreds of years in dozens of languages.

“Equipped with knives all over, yet none is sharp,” warned people in China. In Estonia, it went, “Nine trades, the tenth one — hunger.”

Yet, many of the most impactful individuals — both contemporary and historical — have been generalists: Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Arianna Huffington, Ben Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci,and Marie Curie…

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Inc: The Dumbest Mistake That Smart People Make

May 22, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Image: Getty Images

It was a little past 1:00 a.m, and I sat alone at the dining room table. If only I had listened to my tired body and gone to sleep, I might have saved a friendship and a business partnership…

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Inc: Here’s What We All Can Learn From The Bill Gates Article That’s Going Viral

May 22, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Image: Getty Images

10 days ago, an article was posted on Inc. called Bill Gates Predicted Today’s Technologies in 1999. It has already been shared 38,000+ times.

Have you ever wondered what makes some ideas go viral and some die?

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Inc: 10 Ways Successful People Deal With Stress Differently

May 22, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Image: Getty Images

Any given day as an entrepreneur is the best or the worst. It’s often both.

The day you win a big award could be the day you’re struggling to meet payroll. The day you lose a big client could be the day you get your biggest one ever. These days can be confusing, and they happen all too often.

What separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is not the challenges…

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Inc: 10 Content Creator Secrets That Will Make You Exceptionally Likable

May 22, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Image: Getty Images

Richard Branson, arguably one of the most likable entrepreneurs in the world, views his likability as one of his competitive advantages. Research backs this up. Likable people are more effective leaders, build deeper relationships, and have better reputations.

The good news is that likability is a learnable skill.

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Inc: How to Motivate Yourself in 10 Easy Steps

May 22, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Images: Getty Images 

It’s 2:00 p.m. Your lunch sits snugly in your stomach causing fog to settle over your brain. Your energy is low. Thought processes stop mid-stream. You know what needs to get done, but your body is resisting it.

We can all relate to this feeling, but the similarities stop there.

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Inc: 11 Ways Remarkable Storytellers Create Reality Distortion Fields

May 12, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Image: Getty Images

I can’t get this idea out of my head:

If something catastrophic happens to Earth, we lose billions of years of evolution and thousands of years of advanced human civilization. Colonizing Mars isn’t just something we can do-it is also something we should do.

Seven years ago, I couldn’t have imagined myself saying those words…

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How One Life Hack From A Self-Made Billionaire Leads To Exceptional Success

Mar 23, 2015   //   by michaeld   //   Friends and Family  //  No Comments

Countless books and articles have been written about Warren Buffett. Surprisingly few have been written about his business partner of over 40 years, Charlie Munger…

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