E-Myth Mastery

I started listening to the first two hours of E-Myth Mastery. I think Michael Gerber is an honest author who is able to explore the core passion that makes entrepreneurs so successful.

He admits that his life’s work of helping people build systems for their companies doesn’t solve the core need for entrepreneurs to have a passion for what they do.

Passion and dreaming are fluffy words, and they shouldn’t be. Their results are real and tangible.

They lie at the heart of what inspires people to rise above their circumstances to realize a vision that is bigger than them.

It doesn’t matter how skilled of an entrepreneur you are. The second you lose that fire is the second that your business slowly or quickly starts extinguishing unless you reignite it.

My fire is living every moment to its fullest and being able to authentically share my experience with others. This is why I speak. This is why I write. This is why I build.

How can we build a system so that no matter what we’re doing or how we feel our fire is always lit? That’s the ultimate system.

- I teach people to learn HOW to learn
- Bootstrapped million dollar social enterprises
- Best-selling author
- Contributor: Time, Fortune, and Harvard Business Review
- Alum: Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year, Inc. 30 under 30, Businessweek 25 under 25
- Creator of the largest learning community in the world
- Have read thousands of books

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